At First Call Energy, we believe that those that work, live, and play in a city should do their part to make that city—whether you live in Calgary, Vancouver or Edmonton—the best place possible to live, for all those who inhabit it. And now, more than ever, while oil prices are still low, unemployment is the highest its been in over a decade, and people are having trouble finding work in this down economy, it’s important that we all pitch in and do our part.

In today’s blog, we thought it would be important to outline a few of the things you can do to help those in Calgary who aren’t quite as fortunate this year.

Brown Bagging For Calgary’s Kids

In Canada, between 1 and 6 Canadian children go hungry every day. Hunger has a huge impact on a growing child’s ability to learn and grow. With Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids, you supply a children with a lunch for a very reasonable price. With just $20, you’ll feed one child with a lunch for a month. Your donation will enable a hungry child to be hungry for learning, not food!

The Magic Of Christmas Assistance Program

The Magic of Christmas program uses a fleet of volunteer santas and elves, who visit over 500 families, 4500 hospitals and a variety of other institutions and locations. The santas and elves raise funds through Christmas shows and donations from both corporations and private citizens. The reindeer buses are generously donated by Calgary.

You can either help with a donation or by volunteering your time.

Become a Snow Angel

Calgary has already received a fair bit of snow on its roads and sidewalks, and there are families and households who currently have no one who can clear that snow for them. With the Snow Angels program, you adopt a sidewalk and keep it clear for those who are otherwise incapable of removing the snow.

Twenty years ago, Al “Richie” Richardson was battling cancer. His condition left him unable to keep his home’s drive and walkway clear of snow, that is, until a snow angel took on the task for him. The following winter, with the cancer beaten and his strength returned, Richie decided to pay back the generous deed by paying it forward. He started shovelling snow for one neighbour and quickly took on 23 more.

Calgary Food Bank

Established in 1982, the Calgary Food Bank is a charitable, non-profit organization that is dedicated to gathering and distributing food to those in need. With the current economy, it’s under-supplied, under-staffed, and overworked! 

The majority of the people they assist are the working-poor Calgarians who struggle from paycheque to paycheque to scrape by. They rely solely on the generosity of their fellow Calgarians, who recognize the good the service does for Calgary’s low-income families. In 2016, they’ve distributed an average of 262 food hampers per day.

Donate here.

Seniors Secret Service

Seniors are often the most vulnerable demographic, and the most prone to depression during the holiday season. As demographic trends suggest, there’s a large portion of men and women over 60 who do not have family or a support network to see them through the holiday season.

The Seniors Secret Service works to make sure Calgary seniors feel special and cared for during the holidays and on their birthdays.

They currently work with: Meals on Wheels, Trinity Place Foundation, the Kerby Centre, the Way In – Calgary Older Adults Services, 1000 Voices – FOCUS on Seniors, Gracewood Housing, A.H.S. Community Geriatric Mental Health, Jewish Family Services Calgary, Beverly Centre Glenmore, Oddfellow Rebekah Tower, the Calgary Drop In Centre- Senior Complex, Calgary Chinese Elderly Citizens’ Association, Women In Need Society, Immigrant Services, Southern Alberta Renal Program, Kerby Rotary House Shelter, nine area Carewest long term care facilities and numerous